Monday, September 17, 2007

Mika had puppies! sept 15

Here is a picture of my daughter Melodie with her dog Mika earlier this summer. This is an alaskan malamute purebread, and shes such a happy dog all the time! Well she went into heat and Melodie was at work and Mika got under the fence and had a date with the neighbors mutt Frank. Oh goodie. NOT

Here are the 7 puppies, 2 look like Mika, 2 look like frank (blond) and three are brown/black patches and with parent names Mika and Frank, we call them the 3 freaka's. heheh
Oh I just noticed, the pic shows only 6, but actual truth is one of the mika babies is hiding under the 3 freaka babies. Dogpile!

Here are the two mika babies up close. One is a male, one female. Arent they just cuuuuuuuuuute! hehe


Franie said...

Oh they are so cute! If they would not be so big I would want one! LOL A bunch of puppies--a dog pile as you say!

Gail said...

I love puppies, they are ALL so cute.